• 8 июня 2015, понедельник
  • Барселона

Уникальные летние курсы Geneva Business School в Барселоне

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3244 дня назад
с 10:00 8 июня до 10:00 31 августа 2015

Курсы по городскому развитию, урбанистике, культурному менеджменту, международным отношениям, журналистике, SMM, digital маркетингу, дизайну! Июнь-август!

1.Urban Develompent (Urbanistics, Management of Museums, Culture Management)


Aims and Objectives:

This is a class about how cities, suburbs, and metropolitan areas change. It is an introductory subject for undergraduates that examines both the evolving structure of urban cities and the ways that they can be designed and developed. We will look at a wide range of urban problems cities, suburbs, and regions through urban design and development. We will analyze the values implicit in each of their proposals, stressing the connections between ideas and design. We will look at designs for new towns and examine the ways that existing cities have spread and been redeveloped. Attempts to control growth and suburban sprawl will also be covered you will see how cities and suburbs have been changed in the past and how you and others may help change them in the future.


Course Content:

  • The history of city form
  • How to build a city
  • Urban  Design theories – the power of an idea
  • The ingredients of public space
  • Detailing the place
  • Making  the connections – between development and culture
  • Understanding the context – techniques for the analysis of public space
  • The  sustainable city
  • The development process – Planning, viability and delivery.


2. International Relations


Aims and Objectives:


To examine the development of political concepts and the historical factors that led to the current global political framework, essential  to an understanding of contemporary issues, and to develop an awareness of the causes of  International tensions and conflict and the structures and institutions through which such conflict resolution is sought.


Course Content:

  • Introduction: terms  and  concepts. Historical background: the development of the 'nation state'.
  • Origins of conflict and causes of wars.
  • Alternative theories: realism, liberalism, marxism, constructivism Strategies for success: the uses and limitations of power.
  • Concepts  of 'Balance of Power'.
  • The causes of World War I Attempts to achieve collective security: the League of Nations.
  • The United Nations system, and the role of transnational actors and civil society Globalisation and interdependence.
  • The impact of the information revolution.



3. Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing and Journalism


Aims and Objectives:


Students will be provided with a basic knowledge of marketing communication in several key areas: advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal selling etc. This course  should allow them to modelling complex marketing communication problems and developing individual solutions to concrete situations. Students have to select and manage information competently and interact in group working with their teacher.  At  the end of the course, the student should be able to make a quasi-professional approach to all kinds of communication marketing topics.


Course Content:

  • Brands and Logotypes.
  • Sales Promotions Merchandising
  • Direct marketing and one to one marketing Selling approaches Public Relations Methodology
  • Crisis Management
  • Public Affairs Rumours as marketing communication technique
  • International and global communication patterns
  • Adverting. Architecture of advertising campaigns and media planning
  • Main Business Communication Models



4. Design.


Aims and Objectives:


This course is designed primarily to provide an overview of entrepreneurship, develop an entrepreneurial frame  of mind, and learn the rudiments of how to differentiate an idea from an opportunity. Students come up with a design, a business idea and explore its potential for becoming a viable business. They learn to do market research and experience first‐hand the rewards and difficulties in dealing with people in the real world. They will meet entrepreneurs and business professionals as part of the course and learn how to make effective presentations. Other important aspects of the course include self‐assessment to determine one’s strengths and weaknesses, understanding the "magic" of leadership, and gaining an entrepreneurial perspective on life.

Course Content:

  • Definition  of design and entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial frame
  • The idea, the discovery
  • The opportunity the business
  • The innovation and  the opportunities
  • Potential for an idea of becoming a viable business
  • Market research
  • "Magic" of leadership in design
  • Entrepreneurial perspective on life


Время: июнь-август 2015 года (даты уточняются в зависимости от набора группы и пожеланий участников)

Место: Испания, Барселона

Стоимость программ:

1-недельная – 1830 € (включены трансфер, размещение, питание, проезд на метро, посещение музея, welcome dinner). Перелет оплачивается дополнительно.

2 недельная – 2910 € (включены трансфер, размещение, питание, проезд на метро, посещение музеев, welcome dinner). Перелет оплачивается дополнительно.

3-недельная – 4003 € (включены трансфер, размещение, питание, проезд на метро, посещение музеев, welcome dinner). Перелет оплачивается дополнительно.


Контакты: Анастасия Гришина, anastasia@gbsge.com, +79037093296



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